Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Woot Woottt !!

heyy bloggers ;)

long time no update oh kan.. aiyaaa.. sorry ma blog coz ignoring u in recent years.. kinda busy tho.. hehe ;) well , hidup saya makin hari makin berubah bah.. lagilagi semenjak sda masuk college ne.. college life memang totally berbeza laa sama high school.. klu high school strict kan peraturan dia tp klu college ada lagi kelonggaran.. paling siok blh bawa handphone,lappy or watever electronic devices laa tanpa perlu dirampas like high school always did.. in term of dress code pun bebas as long jgn guna HOT PANTS & 'SELIPAR JEPUN' / FLIP FLOP .

kwnkwn smua bertukar klu msuk college sda.. apaapapun, siok laa juga.. lecturer pun smua okok and siok eventhough 1 of them is kinda annoying sometimes. OPPS! ahaha..

now, SEM 2 sda kami.. ohh, what course? well, sa ambk DIPLOMA IN PASTRY ARTS.. hehe.. alaaa, yg buat cakecake tue bah.. bahahahhaahaha!!

PALING TIDAK BEST, mestilaa time kna sruh buat ASSIGNMENT !! who like it anyway? no one right! so do i :( but what to do laa kan..klu maw belajar mmg xda yg senang org bilang.. hehe

bah suda laa ne utk ne mlm, maw buat assignment lagi ne.. essay ok! mcm secondary school la plak maw buat essay.. btw, it's for our COMMUNICATION SKILLS 1.. *sigh*


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